How are your Sinus Symptoms?

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Complete the following Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz and someone from our office will contact you about your results.

will a sinus infection go away on its own
sinus and snoring md
what kills a sore throat fast overnight
omicron symptoms
runny nose after covid vaccine
essential oils for congestion and cough
1. Stuffy nose
2. Runny nose
3. Post nasal discharge
4. Thick nasal discharge
5. Sinus pressure/headache
6. Fatigue
7. Need to blow nose
8. Loss of smell or taste
9. Ear fullness
10. Difficulty falling asleep
11. Can’t stay asleep
12. Lack of good night's sleep
13. Waking up tired
14. Reduced productivity
15. Frustrated/irritable
16. Reduced concentration
17. Embarrassed
18. Sad
19. Ear pain
20. Cough
0 points
(20 questions left)
No Problem
Your sinus symptoms have relatively minor effects on your quality of life.

Click the submit button below to share your Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz results with our office.

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